Student participants sought – 22 May installation work

Doctoral student Luca Forcucci is seeking students who are willing to experience his installation Kinetism on May 22, some time between 11:30 am and 9:00 pm, in PACE. Participants will complete a survey about their experience of the installation.

By changing space, by leaving the space of one’s usual sensibilities, 
one enters into communication with a space that is psychically innovating… 
— Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

The sound installation KINETISM explores the perception of our daily sound spaces. The audience is invited to explore by a sonic walk, the convergences of sonic spaces of the city and the sonic spaces of the body. The work has been developed while in residency in a laboratory of cognitive neuroscience in Switzerland, which conducts research on out of body experiences. The installation explores such considerations through sound.