Do please come and support their work. This will be particularly of interest to first and second years interested in pursuing the Installation Art module in the third year.
Wed 5 Feb, 3-4.30pm
Chris Inglis, The Silent Pages
– A piece exploiting the relative quietness of the church, both physical and symbolic
Josh Yates, The Sacred Precinct
– Exploring the dynamics of theology and philosophy surrounding the art object
Fenton Hutson, Tintinnabulation in St. Andrews Church
– An Installation that explores the space (acoustics and materials) and place (context/significance) of St. Andrews Church through bell and bell like sounds
David Gurney, ecclesiastes 1:7
– A 3-dimensional sound experience that encompasses the font with flowing water
Fri 7 Feb, 1.30-3pm
Sam Wilmer, Mannequin Motet
– Inspired by Thomas Tallis’ Spem In Alium, this piece focuses on man’s influence on religion shown through an immersive soundworld
Sam Topley, e.e.c.
– exploded electronic carillon
Rory Webster, The Annals of Theology
– A walk through various perspectives on the existence of god and the relationship between religion and science
Thom Lilley, Flow
– Flow through the church, experiencing sounds of water without stepping outside
Tue 11 Feb, 1.30-3pm
Sagnik Basu, War of Faith
– An installation about recreating an apocalyptic World War 2 scenario and painting people’s emotional struggle of faith
Andrew Dove, Balloon Trail
– A path of sound emitting balloons taking viewers on a historic journey up to the build of St. Andrews
John Durnford, Absolved Sin
– The sins of those who are forgiven linger in the stations of the cross and can be heard throughout the church
Sam Warren, If walls could talk
– A study in Space and Perception
Wed 12 Feb, 3-4.30pm
Szymon Gabriel, Electrinity
– An interactive installation; creating sound through an interpreted stained glass window
Maxim Quick: Anekantavada – ‘Non-one-sidedness’
– A cognitively engaging installation piece aiming to highlight social cohesion by exploring the inherent ideological differences within religion
Jamie Siddons, Stimuli
– A progressive atmospheric piece filled with deep swelling basslines, artificially edited sounds and orchestral instrumentation designed to be played through an 8 channel surround sound setup
Alex Cable, Inauditum
– An evocative piece that reflects upon the unheard tones of the organ
Alex Gibbons, (title/info to follow)