Access to Queen’s Studios ONLY with Student Card

We have identified the issue with the booking system for Queen’s studios and put the doors on lock again. For studio doors in the CTS to open from now on you need to:

  1. Have a valid booking (
  2. UPDATE your student swipe card for EVERY BOOKING at an online card reader BEFORE you try to enter the studio.

Online card readers can be found at the entrance to the CTS or at the rear entrance to Queen’s building:

If you have any problems accessing the studios, contact the technicians (Q1.38 or email). Please help us trace the issue by stating your name, p-number and the time you tried to access the door.

During office hours technicians will help you. Out of hours, Security (ext. 7642) can be reached via the phones at the rear entrance of Queen’s building and in classroom Q1.31.
