Recent notice of an opportunity:
“I’m the newly appointed events manager at St Martins Square and Silver Arcade in the City Centre. My job is to increase foot traffic in that part of the city centre. I come from a history of art, music, festivals and events. I don’t want to bring people into the area using the usual methods of sales and flyers. I want to use music and art. I also want to offer the students a platform that didn’t exist when I was at University. Every year I want to put on a final show for the students to enjoy themselves before they leave.
I already have numerous empty units being taken on by arts and illustration students for exhibitions. I would like to put on one day on Saturday the 21st June in the City Centre, with 3rd-year students to play out their material during this event. We will have a licensed bar, we have a PA, power sources, 10,000 flyers, radio interest from BBC Leicester, coverage from the Mercury.
If you’re interested in showcasing your work live in the city centre, then please get in touch with Kev: