Tech Resources

Studio Documentation

For studio documentation, see the links from the Facilities Overview page.


A quality set of headphones can be very helpful for your work. Here are some reviews that can help you make a good choice, balancing quality and budget.

Online Tutorials


Impulse Responses

Impulse responses work with convolution-based reverb and sound-processing techniques. Recording your own can be a powerful creative tool.

Surround and Multi-Channel Composition Tools

PAT Testing

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is the name given to the inspection and testing of electrical equipment carried out in the UK. The University has a responsibility to ensure safe working conditions on Campus and therefore a policy is in place to appliances used on Campus mainly but not exclusively at the start of term.

Portable equipment is defined as any equipment supplied via a flexible lead and (normally) a plug. It must be inspected and tested by a competent person, at regular intervals, to ensure that it is in a safe condition. (DMU Policy SP3/16).

Any Portable electrical equipment that you bring to Campus to use in performance, studios or labs must be subjected to a PAT test. Equipment will normally be subjected to a visual and electrical inspection and you will be issued with a sticker to identify a PASS/FAIL and date of next inspection.

More information can be found at

Purchasing Electronics Tools and Components

For some projects you may need to purchase tools and components. You can either shop locally, where you may pay more but save on delivery cost, or buy online which may work out cheaper.

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